Frequently asked questions.

Why consider floating?

Float tanks have been proven to reduce chronic pain and anxiety.  This is a perfect way to relax and recharge mental acuity.  Some people find that floating can reduce pain and so utilize this as a method to supplement pain medicine and physical therapy.

What makes people float?

The pods are manufactured to hold approximately 1,100 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt. This solution of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is used to create a weightless suspension of your body.  Not only will your body float effortlessly, but your skin will be left feeling smooth and rejuvenated. For thousands of years, millions have flocked to the Dead Sea for the relief from pain and muscle aches the salty water provides. 

Is Floating for anyone?

People of all ages, regardless of age or physical abilities, can benefit from float therapy.   This type of therapy will assist in managing stress, reduce pain, and increase mental clarity.

What should I wear while floating?

The float tanks rooms are private and secure.  Since you will be floating, it is recommended that you either wear nothing at all (most floater wear nothing) or your swimwear.  Note, swimwear can be bothersome as they tend to be a distraction.

Do I need to arrive early for my first float?

Yes, for your first float, you need to arrive 20 minutes prior to your start time.  You will need to review and sign the waiver.  This will also allow you a few minutes to get acquainted with our facility.

Why do I need to shower before and after floating?

For your convenience, showers are provided inside the rooms. We ask that you rinse and cleanse your body before entering the tank. Showering after the float helps to remove remaining salt from your body before you dress. Shower before and after works as a nice sensory transition for entering and exiting your float experience.

What should I avoid on my float day?

Don't shave or wax on the day of the float as the mineral laced solution that helps you float can irritate tender skin.

Should I consider eating prior to floating?

For your comfort, it is recommended that you eat an hour or two before your float. To fully relax, avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol on the day of your session.

How does the inside of the tank feel?

The air and water are set to match the temperature of your skin so most floaters report that they feel “nothing” except peace.

What is the standard float time?

90-minute sessions have proven to be the most beneficial based clinical research.  You can decide to spend less or more time based on your personal experience. 

What should I bring?

Bring your personal grooming products (hairbrush, cosmetics, etc.) for post-float.  Amenities such as towels, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, earplugs and Q-tips will be provided.  If you wear contacts, be sure to bring a contact case and solution.

How do you enter the tank?

You enter the float tank similarly to the bathtub. Once you are in the tank, lie back gently and the salt will lift your body to a steady float. If you decide to close the lid during your session, we recommend closing the top while you sit from a standing position. 

Are multiple sessions required?

Floating is similar to meditation or therapy so while you may experience relaxation in your first float, additional floats are generally recommended to maximize benefits.

Can pregnant women float?

Absolutely.  Floating adds the benefit of taking the strain off the body and spine while pregnant.  Float therapy promotes an environment that creates heightened sensitivity and for some pregnant women to experience a deeper connection with the baby as it promotes a similar quiet, warm, and secure environment.   

Any restrictions while menstruating?

No, if you are comfortable swimming while menstruating, floating is not an issue.  Proper hygiene is required and if there is contamination of the water, additional fees will be evaluated. 

Who should avoid float therapy?

Float therapy is not for everyone.  If you have open wounds, uncontrolled epilepsy, drug or alcohol intoxication, infectious disease, or serious psychological conditions you should not float. If you have concerns regarding any conditions, please consult with your health care provider.

Is drowning possible in a float tank?

Float tanks have a high concentration of salt and therefore are safer than most bodies of water.  Due to salt content, it is impossible to sink and would take conscious effort to turn on your side or attempt to float face-down. That being said, it is possible to drown in any pool of liquid. 

What is the air quality in the tank?

Ventilation is more than adequate. While the tank lid is typically closed, the tanks are not airtight, and airflow is continuous. 

Are float tanks clean?

Great efforts are made to ensure that the tanks are sanitary. Each tank has up to 1,500 pounds of Epsom salt dissolved in the water, which raises the salinity to levels that are inhospitable to bacteria, including microbes and other pathogens.

The Solution is sterilized between each session through a process of commercial-grade circulation, filtration and purification using a combination of UV (Ultraviolet Light) and Ozone. No harsh chemicals (Chlorine, Bromine etc.) are used in the solution at our facilities.

Additionally surfaces are disinfected using Puregreen24, a level IV EPA registered “Green” disinfectant containing silver and citrus nitrate, safe for contact with children and animals.

All floaters are encouraged to discuss this type of therapy with their health care providers.  Consider taking this information with you: 

  • A “Float” is a 60 minute session in a 95 degree environment suspended in 10 inches of purified water super-saturated with 1100 lbs of pharmaceutical grade MgSO4 (Magnesium Sulfate, a.k.a. Epsom salts). Cutaneous (through the skin) absorption of MgSO4 has not been shown to produce negative side effects associated with ingestion or injection of the mineral.

  • The Solution is sterilized between sessions through a process of commercial-grade circulation, filtration and purified using a combination of UV (Ultraviolet Light) and Ozone. No harsh chemicals (Chlorine, Bromine etc) are used in the solution at our facilities.

  • Hard surfaces are disinfected using Puregreen24, a level IV EPA registered “Green” disinfectant containing silver and citrus nitrate, safe for contact with children and animals.

  • Only known physical limitations are the ability to get in and out of the tank unassisted.