Infrared Sauna

Benefits of Infrared Sauna:

  • Relaxation

  • Detoxification

  • Weight Loss

  • Anti-Aging

  • Immunity Boosting

  • Heart Health

  • Improved Sleep

  • Muscle Recovery

  • Ease Joint Pain

  • Pain Relief


Are infrared saunas for anyone?

People of all ages, regardless of age or physical abilities, can benefit from an infrared sauna session.  This type of therapy will assist in managing stress, reduce pain and stiffness, and increase mental clarity.


Why consider an infrared sauna session?

Infrared saunas have been proven to reduce chronic pain, inflammation and anxiety.  This is a perfect way to relax and recharge mental acuity.  Some people find that infrared saunas can reduce pain and so utilize this as a method to supplement pain medicine and physical therapy.




Is it safe for pregnant or lactating women to use the sauna?

Although it is unknown the potential side effects of sauna use while pregnant, the higher temperatures can increase the risk of complications, and it is therefore not recommended. The sauna session will release toxins in your body that could enter breastmilk.  It is advisable to limit sauna use and environments with increased heat during breastfeeding.  You should also consult your obstetrician/gynecologist prior to a sauna session.


Any restrictions while menstruating?

Not at all, the heat helps your muscles relax and the warmth of the sauna can be comforting for abdominal discomfort.  However, take precautions that there could be an increase of your menstrual flow as the heat increases the overall blood flow in your body.  Proper hygiene is required.


Who should avoid an infrared sauna session?

Infrared saunas are not for everyone.  If you have heat insensitivity or lack the ability to perspire or sweat, you should refrain from saunas since you are unable to emit body heat.  Anyone with open wounds, uncontrolled epilepsy, drug or alcohol intoxication, infectious disease, or serious psychological conditions should not use an infrared sauna.

If you have concerns regarding any conditions, please consult with your health care provider.


PREPARING for an infrared sauna session

What should I wear?

The infrared sauna rooms are private and secure.  Since you will be absorbing heat, it is recommended that you either wear nothing at all (most wear nothing), loose fit clothing, or your swimwear.  Note, clothing and swimwear can be bothersome as they tend to be a distraction.


Do I need to arrive early for my infrared sauna session?

Yes, for your first infrared session, you need to arrive 20 minutes prior to your starting time.  You will need to review and sign the waiver.  This will also allow you a few minutes to get acquainted with our facility.


What should I avoid on my infrared sauna session day?

Don't shave or wax on the day of the sauna session as the heat can irritate tender skin. Avoid eating a large meal as well as alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.


Is it ok to eat before a session?

For your comfort, it is recommended that you eat an hour or two before your sauna session (you may want to bring a light snack for after your session).  To fully relax, avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol on the day of your session.


What is the standard sauna time?

90-minute sessions have proven to be the most beneficial based clinical research.  You can decide to spend less or more time based on your personal experience.

Should I do anything to prepare for the session?

Drink plenty of water prior to and after your sauna session.  You may want to wear flip flops or sandals to your session   Amenities such as towels and a water bottle will be provided.

Are multiple sessions required to feel a difference?

While you may experience relaxation and some stress relief after your first session, additional sessions are generally required to experience the maximum benefits. We recommend trying a minimum of 3 sessions to experience a cumulative effect scheduled no longer than 1 week apart.